News - Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity
February 12, 2024

Forest View’s Saving Energy Day

Discover how Forest View Primary School took part in Saving Energy Day with teachers and pupils discussing the impact of energy use.

Cochrane House residential Children's House
February 6, 2024

Introducing Cochrane House

We’re delighted to announce the opening of Cochrane House, Kibble’s latest residential children’s house based at our Paisley campus.  Cochrane…

February 1, 2024

Construction Students Pass with Flying Colours by Decorating First-Team Changing Room

Kibble’s Skills Academy students decorate St Mirren’s first team changing room. Look at the finished result.

Meet Skills Academy Instructor Paul

Hear from Painting and Decorating Instructor Paul about projects him and young people have completed at St Mirren Football Club’s SMISA Stadium and Training Complex.

January 25, 2024

Kibble’s Skills Academy Support St Mirren’s SMISA Stadium Through Storm Isha

Young people who are attending Kibble’s Skills Academy to qualify in construction help maintain St Mirren’s SMISA Stadium and Training Complex. The students along with Construction Instructor, Craig swiftly carried out maintenance checks after the impact of Storm Isha.

January 23, 2024

About Kibble’s Domestic Assistant Job

Find out more about the essential role of Domestic Assistants at Kibble.

Young person Katie presenting cheque to Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity

A Mission to Make a Difference

Kind-hearted young person, Katie, has raised a phenomenal £1150 to support the homeless and Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity. Her determination…

Bruno Micchiardi as Cinders and Jessica Fyfe as Princess Louise in Scottish Ballet's Cinders. Credit Andy Ross
January 17, 2024

Young people Step into the Spotlight

Once again this year, talented young people at Kibble were immersed in the world of classical dance as part of…

January 16, 2024

Meet Housekeeper Ryan

Watch Housekeeper Ryan as he gives us an insight into his essential role, which helps keep our residential children’s houses in tip-top shape.

January 3, 2024

Festive Celebration with First Minister

On Friday 8th December, two young people from Kibble were invited along to a festive celebration with the First Minister, Humza…