Young people challenged staff to a fun game of football. The match involved young people and adults from Jura, Barra and Islay.
Young and old(er) football players met at the pitch for the friendly yet competitive match. Before kick-off the rules were explained with everyone agreeing to play a fair game.
Young people formed a team to try and out skill the adults and were determined to prove their footwork was up to the task. The young players showed brilliant enthusiasm and encouraged one another to keep heads up even when their older opponents scored a goal. Everyone laughed and enjoyed spending time together outside on the pitch.
One young player found the goalie’s performance hilarious: “For a free-kick we picked our goalie to take a turn. However, he kicked the ball so high that it flew out the back-pitch – thankfully we had a spare football.”
The game had everyone laughing, although, young people have requested a re-match!