Kibble is helping young people prepare to live independently and thrive in their own home with support from a Nationwide Community Grant.
The thought of moving forward into employment and living alone can be daunting. Suddenly having the sole responsibility to manage finances, maintain a job, cook and have a social life can feel overwhelming. Many individuals face this milestone with guidance from family and friends. However, for others, there can be a lack of support as a result of facing adversity and trauma from a young age.
Kibble, with funding from Nationwide, is helping care-experienced young people live independently and enjoy having their own home. The funding has enabled Kibble to deliver the SQA Level 4 Successful Tenancy award, which is specifically designed to prepare learners to live safely themselves and encourage them to explore and be part of their local area. The qualification equips young people with the skills and knowledge needed to start the process as well as maintaining living alone while preventing isolation.
Our Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod offers a helping hand to young people, ensuring they receive a high level of support with personal finance, cooking, gaining employment and more. Young people have access to valuable support that can help them create a safe space to call their home and live a healthy lifestyle. The responsibilities of living independently are made manageable through Gillian’s advice and encouragement. Young people develop self-esteem, self-confidence and look positively towards the future.
Finding employment for young people is a priority of the project. Assistance with CV writing, interview preparation and linking young people to jobs and placements all help young people to start working. The opportunity to gain work experience, begin a job and earn money creates a sense of purpose and helps form friendships. Overall, contributing to a happy and healthy home life.
Kibble held a job fair for young people to learn more about the career opportunities available to them. Local businesses were invited to discuss their professions in more detail. Young learners were inspired by a range of organisations including National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland (NMIS), West College Scotland, Howden and more.
Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod has seen a change since the project began. She said, “Young people have made such progress in living independently, finding a job they enjoy and earning money since the project began. We recognise it is challenging to make the first step in applying for a job and then continue with the responsibilities of working while having your own home, however, there is a high level of support available to help young people see it through, feel a sense of achievement and plan for a brighter future.”
“One young person in particular has started plans for the future, expressing interest in learning more about saving with hopes of applying for a mortgage one day.”
Employability and Tenancy Officer, Gillian Tod
Nationwide Paisley Branch Manager, Ronnie Girvan shared, “We are delighted to hear about the value the funding is bringing to the lives of young people who are living independently. The Nationwide Paisley branch will offer further support to young people by hosting learning sessions about how to save and how to apply for a mortgage. We will do all that we can to help young people develop skills in finance management.”
Moving forward, the project will continue to strengthen the confidence levels of young people, ensuring they are capable to maintain independent living throughout the future.