An exhibition that uses photography to represent people’s experiences recovering from alcohol problems has opened in the centre of Glasgow this week (24th January, 2018). PhotoVoice is an arts project that has been working with people from across Glasgow and Paisley whose lives have been impacted by addiction. The exhibition is being held in Good, a shop within Buchanan Galleries run by Kibble Group, providing charities and social enterprises free space to retail in the city centre.
Participants looked at the impact that alcohol has had on their community as their subject, with the resulting photography making up the public display. Each work is accompanied by a ‘spoken word’ piece that helps explain the significance of the picture. Many of the exhibitors chose to focus on the positive experiences created through recovery and going alcohol free.
AFFIT is a charity that operates in Glasgow. It aims to help people socialise at Alcohol Free Functions (AFFIT). They have helped organise PhotoVoice in partnership with Alcohol Focus Scotland, North West Glasgow Recovery Communities, the Renfrewshire and Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnerships, and the Network Service Renfrewshire, with support from Edinburgh University.

Brian McCarthy, AFFIT Co-ordinator, said:
“The culture of alcohol in our society means that often it can be very difficult for people to socialise in an alcohol free environment. We organise a range of events that are welcoming to all the community and the pictures on display show the impact that having alcohol free events can have.
“When people think about addiction and recovery, they often think of the negative stories about relapse or drug deaths. These pictures focus on some of the positives of recovery, showing that people’s lives can get better.
“My favourite picture shows a group of men laughing at a comedy night we held. There is raw emotion and happiness from guys, some of whom thought that they might never get better.”
Chief Executive of the Kibble Group, Jim Gillespie, said:
“Kibble is delighted to support the work of AFFIT and the other groups involved with this project. Good offers the perfect space for showcasing their work to a captive audience. We hope visitors to Good can learn more about the journey that many people face on the road to recovery.
“The pictures that are on display are inspiring and I would recommend that shoppers, if they have the time, drop in and see this powerful exhibition.”
The PhotoVoice exhibition is taking place within Good in Buchanan Galleries, Glasgow until 27th January 2018. As well as the featured photographs, we will also have a variety of organisations onsite throughout the week to share information on their services and recovery goals.