Christmas Fayre Helps Struggling Families - Kibble: Specialist services & support for young people facing adversity
Posted: January 3, 2024

On Friday 8th December, young people at Goudie Academy held their annual Christmas Fayre, raising a phenomenal £1135 for a local food bank run by Ferguslie resident’s group Darkwood Crew. But this was only just the beginning, as Kibble agreed to match the total amount raised to support families facing food poverty this winter. With over £2270  raised, young people have begun buying items that will prove to be a lifeline for many families at Christmas. 

The festive event was the accumulation of months of hard work from pupils who crafted a series of handmade gifts from jolly snowmen, colourful charm bracelets, scented wax melts, knitted Christmas decorations, reindeer food and wooden Santa’s. To add to the festive cheer, there was a face painter, a raffle, and a few chocolate covered faces thanks to the marshmallow and chocolate fountain stand. The event also coincided with Christmas Jumper day which helped to add to the festive buzz across Kibble.

The Darkwood Crew provide a number of community initiatives in the Ferguslie area that aim to address historical social problems in the community including health inequalities, long term unemployment, poor educational attainment, poor mental health, social exclusion & isolation. This includes a weekly community market and environmental projects including litter picking and garden maintenance.  The money raised from Kibble’s fundraising efforts will go towards buying food for the community market to help families needing a helping hand to put food on the table this winter.

The Darkwood Crew is an organisation which is held closely in the hearts of young people and staff at Kibble, with Goudie Academy pupils donating £3000 last year thanks to the Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI).

A huge well done to all the pupils and staff involved and we hope this donation will make life a little easier for local families this winter.

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